Coffee Break: Maus
I’ve honestly been putting off reading Maus because I knew it would be tough. It’s a memoir / biography written by cartoonist Art Spiegelman, interviewing his father about life during World War II. In this story, the Jews are mice, and the German armies are portrayed as cats and pigs. It’s a really important book that I hope everyone finds time to read.
Geek Chic Outfit Inspiration: Always Sound Precocious
"If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious-- supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!"
Coffee Break: Silk
I'm on a quest to read all badass female-led comics, and I'm so glad I picked up Silk. I need to get my hands on the next few books!
Start your week off right... with Neil deGrasse Tyson
A little encouragement can go a long way.
Geek Chic Outfit Inspiration: I’ll never forget the first time I saw your face
"I remember that dreamlike candlelight like a dream that you can’t quite place."