Geek Chic Outfit Inspiration: Nerdy & Girlie
This is the outfit I want to sit on the beach in.
Coffee Break: Bitch Planet Triple Feature
I don't normally buy single issues, but I do when two of my best friends are featured on the back cover.
Start your week off right... with Isaac Asimov
Science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
July's Shirt of the Month | Stick 'Em with the Pointy End
July's shirt celebrates one of the most badass ladies in one of my favorite TV shows.
Allons-y | Free Coloring Page
This month's page is from illustrator Stephanie Jackson. She's an artist, unrepentant geek, and potato enthusiast.
Geek Chic Outfit Inspiration: Coffee, Contemplation & Coziness
Mornings are for coffee, contemplation, and outfits this cozy.
Han Solo Quote | Free Phone Background
Channel your inner Solo with a new phone background this week!
Geek Chic Outfit Inspiration: What I Do Is Not Up To You
The perfect outfit to channel your inner Diana Prince in.