Twitter Chat: TBR Lists
In celebration of National Library Worker’s day, last night's Twitter chat was one for bookworms everywhere. We talked TBR lists, favorite ways to read, and got some awesome recommendations for our shelves!
Q1. Do you keep a #TBR (to be read) book list?
Q2. Is your #TBR list impossibly long, or do you decide what you’re reading next one book at a time?
Q3. Do you prefer owning physical books, renting from the library, listening to audio books, or reading digitally on a kindle or tablet?
Q4. What’s your favorite way to find out about new books to read?
Q5. What kind of stories are you most into lately?
Q6. What’s next up on your #TBR list?
Next week, we'll have a spoiler-free chat about Avengers: Infinity War! Join the conversation at 9pm EST on Tuesday April 18th at @jordandenenyc or #jordandenechat.