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Twitter Chat: Patreon

Over the years, Patreon has created an incredible platform for artists and creators alike. Yesterday marked their fifth year of doing so. We celebrated by chatting about all the things we love about it on Twitter!

Q1. How do you feel about @Patreon? Have you ever heard of it? 

Twitter Chat: Patreon

 Twitter Chat: Patreon

Q2. Do you support anyone on @Patreon? 

Twitter Chat: Patreon

Twitter Chat: Patreon

Q3. What’s the best @Patreon reward you’ve ever gotten? 

Twitter Chat: Patreon

Twitter Chat: Patreon

Q4. What’s your favorite way to find new cool @Patreon creators to follow? 

Twitter Chat: Patreon

Twitter Chat: Patreon

Q5. Do you prefer digital or physical @Patreon rewards? 

Twitter Chat: Patreon

Twitter Chat: Patreon
Q6. What would you be most excited to see @SartorialGeek offer on @Patreon?

Twitter Chat: Patreon

Join us next Tuesday at 9 PM EST for another Twitter chat— a Deadpool-themed one! Follow along @jordandene and #jordandenechat to be a part of the conversation!


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