Super Cool People: Jake + Katie
I know I say this all the time, but my favorite part of starting Jordandené is the connections (and reconnections) I've been able to make because of it. I knew Jake of Jake + Katie Photography in high school, and I'm so thrilled to be able to work with him and his wife so many years later.
Jake and Katie Ford are a husband/wife photography team based in Tampa, Florida. They love each other and working together, and it shows in their photos. I'm so excited to share a bit of their story and beautiful work with you!
(If you want an extra sneak peek into their lives, check out their about page because it's perhaps the cutest thing I've ever seen.)
When did you really know you wanted to do what you do?
When Jake was in college he always had a camera in his hand and was always photographing. When he booked his first wedding in 2009, the bug bit and bit hard. When we moved to Tampa in 2012 we decided to pursue a career as a husband & wife photo team. We currently focus primarily on weddings and portraits and are looking to bring on more editorial work in the future.
What’s your favorite part of your process?
Our favorite part of the process is the final delivery. We get to make people really happy by providing them with something that they couldn’t do themselves. That’s pretty cool.
What surprised you the most about the photography business?
A big surprise for us was the connection we form with our clients. We learned quickly that client interaction and experience is so important to creating a good product. We firmly believe that photos make us a feel/see/remember things beyond the 4 corners of the photograph itself. So we keep that in mind as we work with our clients from start to finish.
Can you show us one of your favorite images?
We love this image because it is such a raw moment. The bride’s younger brother came up to hug her immediately after the ceremony. He was crying his eyes out and his sister said “Are you happy or are you sad?” To which he replied “I don’t know!” and proceeding to cry even harder. It was adorable and sweet and happened in a split second. We are so happy to have frozen this moment in time for these two. It’s not the most epic location or killer lighting, but in the end it is these moments that matter.
Who would win a fight between Batman and Spiderman?
Katie - “Batman, because he’s stronger.”
Jake - “But he doesn’t have super powers.”
Katie - “So true…”
So yeah, we don’t know.
What do you nerd out on the most?
This is really embarrassing but… we friggin' love Disney World. Not like wearing Mickey ears love Disney, but more we could be your tour guides love Disney.
What’s your favorite show to binge watch?
The Office and Friends are on repeat in our house. When we finish watching all 9 seasons of The Office, we start watching all 10 seasons of Friends, and then we start all over again. Parks and Rec finds its way in there every once in a while too.
Where do you like to hang out online / where can we find you?
Facebook - Jake & Katie
Instagram - @jakeandkatie.co, @jakefordphoto, @katie_ford
Thanks, Jake + Katie! You can find more of their beautiful photos by following them above, on their blog, and all over our website.