Monday Motivation | Geek Girl Power!
Let me tell you about how powerful our community is,
and how you can now wear it.
In 2016 I was a public school health and physical education teacher running my first independent wellness program. I asked five women if they'd be interested in working on their health and wellness goals with a group, I called it the Power Program.
At the end of the program I wanted to ensure that the 5 members felt celebrated and proud of the work they had accomplished in our 3 months together. I wanted to put together a gift bag and decided to ask my new small-business-buddy Jordan if she'd be able to make a custom shirt.
2 years, 4 programs, and 21 Geek Girl Power tank tops later, [Jordan and I have decided to make this empowering design available to our entire community].
Why? Well a lot of folks asked for it but also, it's a message for everyone!
Geek Girl Power is why I get to run Geek Girl Strong for a living, it is why I know Jordan, and why the Sartorial Geek exists.
Geek Girl Power brought me out of one of my deepest depressions, introduced me to some of my best friends and although it has always been with me, it's because of you all that I can harness it.
Sure, (Geek) Girl Power can sound really cheesy and manufactured.
...but it's more than that, isn't it?
It has made us who we are and it's why we're here.
I hope you enjoy wearing this message across your chest as much as I do.
If you'd like to share how you wear your Geek Girl Power, make sure to use #geekgirlstrongxjordandene on Instagram!
Get your t-shirt or tank top here and tell us, how do you express your Geek Girl Power?
We look forward to reading your responses in the comments and over @GeekGirlStrong!